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Jianxin Geng

Jianxin Geng

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

Title: Carbon nanomaterials/polymers nanocomposites and electrochemical energy storage


Biography: Jianxin Geng


With the rapid developments in the markets of portable electronics and electric/hybrid vehicle, efficient energy storage and conversion materials with high power, high energy and long life span are urgently needed. Rational design of polymer composites is an effective approach to develop high-performance energy materials. With the unique structures and outstanding physical and chemical properties, carbon nanomaterials including graphene and carbon nanotubes are the ideal candidates for energy storage and conversion materials. In our research, we focus on the fundamental issues such as the surface modification of carbon nanomaterials, the manipulation of multi-scaled structures of the composites as well as the relationship between the structures of the composites and the performance of the energy storage and conversion devices. In our recent research, we proposed a facile in situ method for preparing three-dimensional porous graphitic carbon composites containing sulphur nanoparticles (3D S@PGC) with sulphur content up to 90 wt%. Because of the high sulphur content, the nanoscale distribution of the sulphur particles and the covalent bonding between the sulphur nanoparticles and the PGC, the 3D S@PGC cathodes exhibit high specific capacity (1382, 1242, 1115 mA h g−1 at 0.5, 1, 2 C, respectively), long cycling life (a small capacity decay of 0.039% per cycle over 1000 cycles at 2 C), excellent rate capability at a high charge/discharge current.