Changjian Feng
University of New Mexico
Dr. Feng is an expert in biochemistry and biophysics of metalloproteins. His laboratory is known for its use of multidisciplinary approaches to study molecular mechanisms of metalloproteins in medicine and toxicology. The laboratory is active in the use of cutting-edge approaches across the broad fields of chemistry, biochemistry, physics and chemical biology (including laser flash photolysis, pulsed EPR, computational chemistry and site-directed mutagenesis). The goal is to understand what the function of a biological relevant metal site is, how it goes about to achieve its function, and what factors dictate its function. His current primary research focus is on regulation mechanism of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), a flavo-hemoprotein responsible for biosynthesis of nitric oxide (NO), a ubiquitous signaling and effector molecule in mammalian cell biology. Recent studies of NOS proteins by Dr. Feng demonstrate that domain motions and interdomain docking play an important role in NOS isoform function by modulating key electron transfer processes. Molecular mechanisms of NOS regulation, once fully understood, are potentially key targets for development of selective new pharmaceuticals for treating a wide range of diseases that currently lack effective treatments. Dr. Feng has published more than 70 scientific manuscripts, is an active NIH reviewer and also serves as referee for NSF, AHA, the French National Research Agency and the Italian Ministry of Health.
Research Interest
Biochemistry, Biophysics and toxicology